martes, 26 de agosto de 2008


I just want to see things clearer and therefore I always will try to find out who benefits most of questionable acts. The little eruption of violence in Ossetia was followed by a violent attack from the Russians on Georgia. The truth about the victims will never be known. Victims are weapons too, maybe even the most powerful ones.

How did Russia benefit from the conflict? Is their power re-established? Did they succeed in making Georgia part of their nation? Did they win something? I only can see losses. How could they ever think they were going to get any advantage out of their actions?

How did Georgia benefit from the conflict? Did they gain control over the 2 provinces? Did they win something? I see losses but also gains. How about the fact that Georgian troops could immediately leave Irak to go back home? How about the evident "humanitarian" help from the US? How about the membership of NATO that came one step closer?

And how did the US benefit from it? Although Georgia is not a NATO member yet, the US now have access to and control over the whole zone. Coincidentally, the Republicans can use it to proof that McCain is a better choice, the lack of Barack's international experience was proven to be evident. And another coincidence was that Russia now could be punished for its deeds with the whole world as a witness. Absolutely coincidential is that the agreements about the so wanted anti-rocket-shield could be rushed and are now suddenly a fact.

The balance is strangely in the advantage of the US and Georgia but those who think that this was intended will be accused of complot thinking. The US is just a very effective nation and was able to benefit from this conflict by fast acting and intellectual superiority. I really admire them.

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