Just for refreshing the memory. This is how CNN has summarized 9/11. Two important things should be noted.
1. CNN was the organization that got "proof" of the hi-jacking through a phone conversation between its reporter Tim Obrien and the husband of Barbara Olsen. Obrien reported about this conversation on 9/11. Olson had told him about his conversation with his wife, a CNN reporter (!). Barbara Olsen reported to her husband how the plane was hi-jacked and asked him what she could say to pilot. This was one of the big scoops of the day. It supported the hi-jack theory. Mysteriously this report is not mentioned in the chronology. The report did exist and can be found on You Tube. An earlier report was given by phone.
The phone conversation was denied by FBI and Pentagon only months later, but it had served its goal to inform the world about the hi-jack. Might that be the reason it is not in CNN's chronology?
2. Something that is mentioned but has nothing to do with the actual things that happened on 9/11 seems to be important to make us see connections:
"6 p.m.: Explosions are heard in Kabul, Afghanistan, hours after terrorist attacks targeted financial and military centers in the United States. The attacks occurred at 2:30 a.m. local time. Afghanistan is believed to be where bin Laden, who U.S. officials say is possibly behind Tuesday's deadly attacks, is located. U.S. officials say later that the United States had no involvement in the incident whatsoever. The attack is credited to the Northern Alliance, a group fighting the Taliban in the country's ongoing civil war."
CNN reports, the world listens and is deliberately being led to conclusions.
How about the passport that was found on the ground close to the Twin Towers?
"Al-Suqami's passport was found by a passerby, reportedly in the vicinity of Vesey Street, before the towers collapsed. (This was mistakenly reported by many news outlets to be Mohammed Atta's passport.) Some news organizations openly doubted the authenticity of this report, questioning whether a paper passport could survive the inferno unsinged when the plane's black boxes were never found. According to testimony before the 9/11 Commission by lead counsel Susan Ginsburg, his passport had been "manipulated in a fraudulent manner in ways that have been associated with al Qaeda." Passports belonging to Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al Ghamdi were found at the crash site of United Airlines flight #93" (source: Wikipedia -
In the heat of things people might misinterprete things. First it was the passport of Mohammed Atta, later it is someone elses. Subsequently, when people start doubting that a passport could have survided the crash, it is supposed to be seen as the signature of Al Qaeda, deliberately frauded with and left at the place where it was found to proof they did it.
Whatever happened, it served its goal: bringing the story into the world. And the world wanted an explanation. Finding arabic flight manuals in the abandoned car of Mohammed Atta was just another step. The rest of the story is known and lead to a total sacrification of the freedom of the western world and a war that is still going on in Afghanistan. (Did women get liberated or are they still waring Burkas? Are the Buddha statues being restored? Does a central government have some power now? Are human rights being respected better?)
To end with a little "blooper"(or might he have told the truth?) of the president. It can be found on the website of the Whitehouse:
The game for popularity is often played with the help of children. The, in this case, relevant part of the report can be found in following game (only the blue parts are of real importance):
Q Hi, Mr. President. I want to say, they haven't won. I got in my car today, and I'm in the same building with you, speaking to you. They have not won.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.
Q And would you say hello to my son Jordan, and my daughter Patricia.
THE PRESIDENT: Jordan and who?
Q Patricia.
THE PRESIDENT: Hi, Patricia; how are you? How old is Patricia?
Q Five, and Jordan is in 3rd grade. And Jordan has a question, if I could give him the microphone.
THE PRESIDENT: You bet. Your mother is relaying the Mike to you, Jordan.
Q One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country. And another thing is that, how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack? (Applause.)
The president answers to a kid and adapts:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident.
But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."
And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first. You know, I grew up in a period of time where the idea of America being under attack never entered my mind -- just like your Daddy's and Mother's mind probably. And I started thinking hard in that very brief period of time about what it meant to be under attack. I knew that when I got all of the facts that we were under attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America. (Applause.)
I tried to get as many facts as I could, Jordan, to make sure I knew as I was making decisions that I knew exactly what I was basing my decisions on. I've got a fabulous team. A President can't possibly be President without a good team. It starts with having a great wife, by the way. (Applause.)
And so, I got on the phone from Air Force One, asking to find out the facts. You've got to understand, Jordan, during this period of time, there were all kinds of rumors floating around. Some of them were erroneous. Obviously -- for example, there was a news report saying that the State Department had been attacked. I needed to know what the facts were. But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the Commander-In-Chief is to respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so, I've talked to the Secretary of Defense; one of the first acts I did was to put our military on alert.
An interesting thing happened shortly thereafter. Condoleezza Rice -- who was not with me but was with the Vice President because they were in the White House compound -- called me on Air Force One after that, and said that she had gotten a call from Russia, from Vladimir Putin, who understood why we were putting our troops on alert, and, therefore, wasn't going to respond. That was an important phone call. Because when I was coming up, and a lot of other older-looking people here who were coming up with me -- (laughter) -- that would never have happened in the past. An alert by the United States would have caused Russia to go on alert, which would have created a complicated situation. But that wasn't the case.
By the way, we're heading into a new era. One of the positive things that comes out of the evil was, we're reassessing relationships in order to make the world more peaceful. I believe it's important for us to have positive relations with our former enemy and to rethink the defenses of the United States of America. (Applause.)
At any rate, I knew I had a job to do. And I was quoted in the press the other day as saying I haven't regretted one thing I've decided. And that's the truth. Every decision I made, I stand by. And I'm proud of the decisions I've made. (Applause.)
I repeat the important part of his answer:
I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."
A blooper or a fact? The president is telling the world, and every word is officially reported thanks to US laws and regulations, that he actually SAW the FIRST plane hit the tower.
What does this mean? Why were cameras in a position so that the president could see a plane crashing into a building? How could it be possible that the president was seeing it while waiting to attend a meeting in a school? Was the president informed through a closed circuit ?
Do you still want me to believe their version of the truth? I believe that Al Qaeda's date of establishment is the 9th of September 2001. "The Base" is the translation of "Al Qaeda".
The base of what?
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