miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

Józef Hieroniem Retinger (1888-1960)

The man intrigues me. How can one single man have been of so great importance and be so invisible? He was clearly able to pull some strings!

Looking for more information about Retinger I found an open letter to Margaret Thatcher published in "The Revivalist" (the Official Organ of the Free Presbyterian Church in Ulster mostly known because or Dr Ian Paisley. In the September issue of 1979 following letter was published:


Much interested, we over here learned about your victory and as Christians we hope that it will be one like Deborah's in Old Testament times, as the men are forsaking their duties. And due to a long series of misgovernments, the once so-called Christian countries of the West have fallen into the hands of socialists in a very bad way whereas the European Movement which is working hard to restrict national power and have it handed over as much as possible to a European Parliament, is actually socialistic as for its main founders.


Please excuse me for writing you mainly on the topic of "Europe" as I found that we and you, the Dutch and the British, have been betrayed and sold out to a supernational power which originally claimed to be just economically working, but of which already Walter Hallstein said that they were in for politics, not for business! Anyway, I had the said pleasure of being at the public gallery at Westminster when the House of Commons voted their final YES EEC and ever after as well as before that historic date, I keep informed about Britain's doings in this matter - as I feel it was a curse upon your country, that yes-vote. By the way, our country has been dragged into the EEC silently.

It is due to my experience over here and abroad that I wonder whether even you are up with the actual history of the European Movement: which powers were behind its main architect (Joseph H. Retinger, a very unknown person as for modern history, yet he being the main inspirator of every congress since that in The Hague, 1948 to mention just one job) and how the various activities organised by that sinister Polish gentleman developed. As I recently wrote a booklet into Dutch on this subject (whereas it took a lot of trouble to get the information, I have collected facts which are really astonishing as you will see later) I will just mention some points which you may find of importance.


Joseph H. Retinger, born 1888 at Cracow; a strict R.C. family. Intended to be a priest but as "the world is more interesting than the hereafter" he left his studies for the priesthood, went to the Sorbonne at Paris and finished his philological studies over there. In 1911 Retinger goes to London to work for the National Polish Council and then starts his political career. During World War I he travels frequently between London and Paris and busily mediates in the war conflict together with Prince Sixte of Bourbon Parma and the general of the Jesuits, the Pole Count Ledochowski. By the way, Count Ledochowski is known by his "Habsburg" - or "Ledochowski" - plan, e.g. a future federation of European countries of the R.C. religion was going to get a Habsburg prince as head. But that plan did not materialise . . . until: last December 1978 there was a special commemoration meeting in the historic Parliament building in The Hague, organised by the "Pan-Europa-Union" of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, founded in 1923. The main speaker was: Otto of Habsburg who is destined to take the lead over that extreme part of the movement for European Unity. And Otto of Habsburg is moreover the chairman of the documentation centre of OPUS DEI in Barcelona!

To return to Retinger, due to intrigues (as he says himself) he has to leave Europe and at last arrives in Mexico where he gets friendly with Luis Morones the later socialist leader over there. Retinger organises Mexican Labour and is being asked by Mexico to mediate again, this time between American oil companies and Mexico. He also visits Rome to try and get the relationship between the pope and Mexico more tight. That is about 1925.

After much travelling on behalf of Mexico, he at last leaves for the USA where he arrives after having been put in prison by the Americans first. He goes to his friend Felix Frankfurter whom helps Retinger to a new Polish Passport (and Frankfurter was a member of CFR as well as a friend of Alger Hiss and Dean Acheson), and then Rettinger starts travelling to Europe again. But apart from his activities on behalf of the "victims" of Pilsudski of Poland, and of international socialism, he already started another activity, e.g. of European Unity. In 1920 already he discusses the opportunities of a European Federation with some intimate friends whereas in 1924 he tries for the first time to start a secret Organisation to work for European unity; but due to the death of his future father-in-law and confidential agent in this job, E. D. Morel of London (1925), he temporarily has to stop these activities.


During World War 2 Retinger becomes the right hand man of the Polish general-in-exile Sikorski at London and apart from many war-activities over there, Retinger starts his European dream once again. Thus he organises the various Ministers of Foreign Affairs who have settled in London during the war, at regularly held meetings at which a European Union is being discussed. And so we see together, often at a lunch in Claridges, representatives from Eastern European countries like Count Raczynski, Masaryk, Hubert Ripka and Nincic, together with those from the West like Paul H. Speak, Van Kieffens, Bech, Lie, Dejean and Massegli. Anyway, during the war it is a busy time in London for the various political leaders and when the Dutch Prince Bernhard is going to be the chairman at the monthly lunch at Claridges this can be seen as a forerunner of the future Bilderberg Movement (which was also started by Retinger).

Thanks to those contacts, the Benelux union is started in 1944 at a special meeting in the Savoy hotel. Benelux-father: Retinger! Other advancements for European unity are in progress.

As soon as World War 2 is over, Retinger is present at a conference of Charham House, the subject being "A European Continent"? and right after that, he leaves for Brussels (early May 1946) where another job is waiting for him. E.g. Retinger starts, together with the Belgian minister Paul van Zeeland the European League of economical co-operation, but although its name is "European", Americans are welcome too. Then Retinger starts travelling again to organise national branches of the ELEC, and in Britain Harold Butler and Macmillan, together with one or two other people, get the lead while in France it is a.o. Giscard d'Estaing and Debre. Apart from the ELEC, many other movements for European unity are being started.


It is also the period of congresses. In 1947 at Montreaux the Federalists have their big congress whereas Retinger is making preparations by then for the huge Congress of Europe in The Hague which is being held May 1948 and from which resolutions specially nr. 7 is important: The Creation of a United Europe has to be seen as a step to the ultimate aim of a United World.

And also important is the quotation from one of the contemporaries "people spoke about the St. Bartholomew of national sovereignity" (Jean-Pierre Gouzy in "Les Peinniers de l'Europe Communautaire"). Apart from Retinger another 700 people from the leading circles were present, among them being of course Winston Churchill, Adenauer, Spaak, Hallstein, De Caperi, Duncan Sandys, Brugmans, Eden and Bertrand Russell. There were "Syndicalists and papists, Lords and travaillists, bishops and anarchists" all united in "one and the same European Enthusiasm" - but it is nevertheless Retinger who tells what has to be said and done, and it is also Retinger who "manipulates Churchill's European Movement" in such a way that it is not longer Churchill but it is Retinger who tells which course has to be taken! And these are the words of Retinger's biographer. And Denis de Rougemont tells us that the Congress of Europe of 1948 "was the personal work of Retinger" - yet hardly anybody knows about this man. Then, exactly 9 months afterwards the Council of Europe is born thanks to Retinger's constant work; but he goes on and transforms the International Committee of the Movements for a United Europe into the European Movement, and becomes its first secretary-general. Actually it was the Council of Europe which started the European Parliament!


I can go on as Retinger's activities on behalf of European unity went on till his death in 1960, but it would take at least another page to do it even cable-style. I have to mention another aspect of his work, e.g. his contacts with Rome in order to use ecumenism as another means of achieving a United Europe. Thus he gets in touch with Sir Stafford Cripps and Lord Halifax of Christian Action and then with Canon Collins. With the latter he goes to Rome to see the pope (Pius XII) whereas the latter pope Paul IV is present - at the discussions as well. A second visit to Rome is made but then the wind has turned against Retinger: for Archbishop Fisher of Canterbury has warned Rome that something will go wrong and no papal co-operation can be expected for Retinger from then on; ecumenism was not ripe enough yet! Then the Jesuits get the order to supervise matters on Europe and when in Spring 1974 the Roehampton Conference on "Christians and the EEC" is being held, it was the Jesuits who supervised every part; even the Jesuit Press Officer from London (Mr. Hugh Kay) had to be present at Roehampton in order to act as sole information officer on behalf of the general press! It was striking that this fact was not mentioned in the press after all as the information was not complete now. By the way, I was one of a few observers at that Congress and I did learn quite a bit about the actual intentions of "Europe".

So much so about Retinger and his life-long work. I myself am doing what I can to make known what really is behind Europe and I could mention the proper sources if wanted. I do pray meanwhile that if it is the Lord's will, Britain at last may be saved from going the European track any longer and with that purpose I have written this long letter. To complete information about my stand, I enclose some duplicate copies of Open Letters written on behalf of the Ulster Protestants. I hope to embark to visit them mid-May, G.W.

According to the editor, G.W. stands for Miss Taverne. The booklet she claims to have written about Retinger seems to be difficult to find. I'll keep on looking for it.

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