miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008


What would a cold war mean for our freedom?

The consequence, and the intended one, of a cold war is FEAR. But whose fear? Should NATO as an organization fear Russia? Should Russia fear NATO? Can nations be afraid for something?

Nations are just organizations. They have no feelings. Nations are collections of human beings. Human beings can have fear. A cold war therefore is only aimed at human beings, never at nations.

The collection of human beings can change the objectives of a nation. The collection of human beings can influence political decisions. And is this not the whole intention?

What do policemen do when they think that their budgets are insufficient? They will create more fear for criminality, they will get more attention for the dark site of our society. They will use the public media to inform the people about the evolution of dangers that are surrounding them.

Who benefits most from fears? Whose business will increase with increasing fears?

Since 9/11/2001 our world has changed. We, the people, accept that we are now living in the most controlled society ever. To protect our freedom we are willing to accept that it is totally sacrificed.

How free are we?

The little mobile in our pocket tells the world who wants to know about our exact location at any given moment. The financial statements of our credit cards tell whoever wants to know what we spent and where we spent it. Our surfing behaviour on the internet is closely monitored and logged. Governments of free countries have accepted laws to allow police and intelligence services to listen to our conversations by phone, to read our emails. Computersystems are active to pick-up dangerous words like "bomb", "attack", etc. Too many dangerous words in a mail, series of mails or phone conversations will automaticly attract some special attention.

How long will it take before we will accept that we have to strip in front of a security officer before we board on a plane?

Yes, we are as free as we believe to be and the former Soviet Union would have been jealous for the way we are controlled in our modern society.

How did we come to the point that we, as free civilians, think that we have to trust our governments with the rights to know whatever we do? How could the world change this much in only 7 years?

The change of a Clinton administration to a Bush administration had great impact on us. Do we still remember how Bush junior became number one? Did you know that Condoleezza's words about "needing an enemy" were spoken before the 11th of September 2001?

Ah......another conspiracy believer !!!!!! The easiest way to eliminate an oponent is to make him ridiculous. It works fine. Proved many times during the last 7 years and many times before.

Didn't the old Soviets just put their opponents in a psychiatric institution?

Do you feel threathened by your government? Ofcourse not. Do you think the Soviets did?

We are free! I can write a blog like this and I'm still not in a mental institution. Isn't that the ultimate proof?

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